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On October 25, a symposium with the Australian National University (ANU) was successfully held in Office 1005, Block B, Science Education Building, Hefei University of Technology (HFUT). The meeting was attended by Elizabeth Ingram, Director of International Student Admissions and Scholarships of the Crawford School of Public Policy, Ida Wu, Coordinator of the Crawford School of Public Policy, Hong Jin, Dean of the School of Economics of HFUT, Vice Dean Zhang Xianfeng and Vice Dean Zhuang Delin, Fan Xiaofeng, Section Chief of the International Affairs Office HFUT, and staff from the International Education Center and MF Center. Zhuang Delin presided over the meeting.

During the meeting, Hong Jin first warmly welcomed the representatives of ANU for their first visit after the COVID-19 outbreak. Both sides had in-depth discussions on the Postgraduate Articulation Program between HFUT and ANU. Both sides highly appreciated the achievements of the cooperation. Elizabeth Ingram expressed her gratitude for the invitation from Hefei University of Technology and emphasized that the Crawford School of Public Policy of ANU attaches great importance to cooperation with the School of Economics and looks forward to further cooperation.

After the meeting, Elizabeth and Ida presented to the graduate students of the School of Economics who were interested in the program. They gave a detailed introduction to the Australian National University’s geographical location, campus environment, culture, student experience, graduate employment rate, characteristics of the Crawford School of Public Policy, educational philosophy, and their educational goals. The students then asked questions about the campus culture of the Australian National University and the curriculum of the program. Elizabeth and Ida answered their questions in detail.